One of the things we are most proud of within Yeshivas Ohr HaTorah is our Keren Simchas Yom Tov Program.
The goal of this program is to ease the financial burden of poor families in Israel, during the Yom Tov season.
We have been distributing money for Yom Tov for 9 years. A few years ago, we restructured our organization, and through this, we were able to help over 250 needy families, which amounts to over 1000 people, mostly children!
Unfortunately, even though many families are able to get by throughout the year on the bare minimum, when Yom Tov season rolls around, the extra expenses just get too high. We find that a bit of a boost is enough to help get each family to the Yom Tov table with dignity, and with the food they need.
So many families turn to us each Yom Tov so we have initiated an application system. Each family fills out an application form. and after the forms have been received, our committee reviews each form in order to assist the families that qualify. Our committee consists of people from various backgrounds and nationalities including Israeli, American, English and Australian in order to make sure that all segments of the community are represented.
Yeshivas Ohr HaTorah has no overhead, and no paid employees. All of the money raised goes to help the recipients. Any supplies are donated separately.
All donations are tax deductible in the US and Israel.